Finding Your Gold
What an amazing and interesting time to be alive. So much is changing… ourselves, society, and the world around us.
Hi. I’m Robert George Audet. I want to take you on a journey to remember your power and your ability to respond, rather than react, to life’s challenges and create a life of connection, power and purpose.
We tell ourselves stories about the way life is, who we believe we are, etc. Most of us experience some degree of pain or discomfort, often brought on by stress, trauma, tension, etc. These result in an overstimulated nervous system that has little capacity to heal or allow for change. Relaxing our nervous system is a powerful and crucial way to slow down, receive and integrate healing, and consciously create our heart’s calling.
When we focus on our stories, we focus on the past, on threads making up a tapestry that we can’t see in its entirety. It can be easy to get caught up in the story, forgetting or not realizing that this story makes up a tiny sliver of our spirit, who we truly are. Our stories convey messages that reinforce what we see in our lives, be it hard, easy or in between. We believe this is who we are. It’s helpful to view stories as just one perspective of our experiences. In fact they have can be seen from many facets that reveal ways back to our larger Self. These stories are the threads weaving a larger tapestry, one that reflects our wisdom, beauty, purpose and the magnificence of our true Self.
Transcend Your Stories
Reveal Your Gold
Elevate Your Life
Video by Nature photographer Adege on
“I want to unfold.
Let no place in me hold itself closed,
for where I am closed, I am false.”
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Deciding to make changes in our lives is a powerful first step. It is an ignition point for changes that awaken and deepen our courage and strength to embrace ourselves. We are able to live the life we have long forgotten or dismissed. Then we can transcend our stories, reveal the gold in our hearts and elevate our lives.
I invite you to take the journey of your life to Find Your Gold.
Once you make a decision,
the universe conspires
to make it happen.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
You landed here, so you are curious or inspired to learn how to adapt to the sheer amount of global and personal change in the world. Reconnect with and expand your innate ability to navigate your way through life with calm, strength and trust.
It’s time to see your stories for what they are ~ opportunities to put the missing puzzle pieces in place using your gifts, talents and wisdom.
At Finding Your Gold, we offer several modalities to calm your nervous system, open your heart, and witness your stories from new perspectives, transcending them as you see their role in creating the tapestry of your life.
You then realize you are at choice, in flow and operating from internal guidance with power, authenticity, purpose, peace and love.
Check out the links to our offerings below.
Thank you.
The butterfly said to the sun, 'They can’t stop talking about my transformation. I can only do it once in my lifetime. If only they knew, they can do it at any time and in countless ways.'
~ Dodinsky
Offerings to Support You
Awaken your Inner Healer to release pain, trauma and beliefs that no longer support your highest expression.
Transformational Coaching
Move beyond the beliefs that have kept you limited. Reveal the beauty in your heart and open to limitless possibilities.
Journey Beyond the Mask
What mask do you wear in the world? Who are you without it? Reveal the real you in a personal journey or a masking workshop.
TRE® Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
A simple, straightforward and natural process that facilitates release of tension in the body caused by the stresses of everyday life and any traumatic event.
Additional Services
& Tools
Ceremonial services plus tools for sourcing our strength, deepening self-compassion and moving beyond limiting beliefs.