Finding Your Gold

Transcend Limiting Stories
Remember Your Gold
Elevate Your Life

What an amazing and strange time to be alive. So much is changing… and rapidly.

Hi. I’m Robert George Audet and I want to take you on a journey where you can reclaim your power and your ability to respond to life rather than simply react.

We continually tell ourselves (and others) stories about the way life is, who we believe we are, why things work or not, the ways we’re not fulfilled, etc. Most of us live in some degree of pain or discomfort, often brought on by stress, trauma, depression, etc. which cause an overstimulated nervous system that has very little space, if any, to heal or allow for change. It is helpful to know that our nervous system speaks to us in the language of providing clues about how we can heal.

Inside us is a more expanded consciousness - unperturbed, filled with love and waiting for the invitation to step forward. We become empowered to bring our unique gifts to the world. Whether or not you know this deeper Self, you are invited to connect with and live from this beautiful aspect of ourselves.

Video by Nature photographer Adege on

“I want to unfold.
Let no place in me hold itself closed,
for where I am closed, I am false.”

~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Deciding to make changes in our lives, while sometimes challenging or scary, is a powerful first step. It is an ignition point for changes that awaken and deepen our courage and strength to transform ourselves and live the life we have long forgotten or dismissed.

Let me lead you on this journey.

Once you make a decision, the universe
conspires to make it happen.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you are inspired or perhaps feel pushed by circumstances to change how you handle the stresses and live a more fulfilling life, you have come to the right place.

You are ready to Transcend your stories, Reclaim your gold and Elevate your life. It is time to bring your gifts, talents and wisdom to the world.

At Finding Your Gold, we offer several modalities to support you as you evolve into your powerful, authentic self and live a life filled with purpose, peace, joy and love.

Thank you.

Offerings to Support You


Awaken your Inner Healer to release pain, trauma and beliefs that no longer support your highest expression.

Transformational Coaching

Move beyond the beliefs that have kept you limited. Reveal the beauty in your heart and open to limitless possibilities.

Journey Beyond the Mask

What mask do you wear in the world? Who are you without it? Reveal the real you in a personal journey or a masking workshop.

Additional Services and Tools

Ceremonial services plus tools for sourcing our strength, deepening self-compassion and moving beyond limiting beliefs.

Click on the image above to learn more about each service