Beyond the Mask

Mask Making

Mask making, an art and healing process that has been around for centuries, has been used for:

  • Ritual - providing a doorway into the soul and relationship with others

  • Theater - the opportunity to “be” someone else

  • Parties - a sense of anonymity

  • Self exploration - a unique view of our self in the moment, plain or decorated.

Tool for Self-Discovery

These are times of great change for individuals, the planet and humanity. Self-awareness and authentic living are more important now than ever before in human history.

These masks are the “face” we put on to protect ourselves, whether at work, store, social and family gatherings, relationships, etc.

Masks can also indicate the positive strides someone has made in their life. One person was deeply moved when he realized his mask communicated the peace he felt by stepping away from a stressful career.

Interestingly, when looking in the mirror, our brains adjust our self image to portray the state of mind we think we are in. By contrast, a physical mask presents an unmistakable and deeper view of our present state of mind, clearly and tangibly displaying how we are physically and emotionally in that moment. We see the impact of life choices in our face and, most notably we see the beautiful impact of our evolution into - peace, acceptance, joy, love.

Mask making experience from Dr. David Berceli

Making the Mask

After lightly coating the face with a non-petroleum “jelly,” strips of wet plaster gauze are applied to the face in two complete layers. It feels like a gentle facial massage while building the first layer, whereas during the second layer, the mask feels firmer, more remote from the face, enhancing the feeling of quiet separation from the world.

The experience of removing a completed mask can be liberating and seeing your mask for the first time is incredibly powerful. You hold a physical cast of your face and can immediately feel and see who you are in the moment.

This mask shows us the various “faces” we wear in the world, informing us how we have adapted, denied, suppressed our unique self and gifts to adapt to our personal traumas, stresses and the world around us.

The simplicity of the process belies the depth and power inherent in the entire process, which, at its essence, is a journey into oneself.

Transformational Coaching and The Journey
Beyond the Mask

Mask making at the start of coaching offers the recipient a snapshot, a baseline for where you are in your life. As you deepen into your journey through your life experiences, coaching and healing, subsequent masks provide tangible as well as subtle insight into the changes you are integrating on your self transformation journey.

Journey Beyond the Mask Workshops
with Jacy Sundlie

This workshop is a shared exploration of relationship to ourselves and others. The workshop includes meditation, partners masking each other and discussion of the experiences

Participants hold quiet, sacred space during mask making. The group share reveals a deeper, richer context for who we are when we take off our masks and creates the opportunity to deepen our self compassion in daily life. In short, it is transformative.

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Mask Making Cost

  • Session Individual Mask $75

  • Mask as part of Coaching, Call for pricing

  • One Day Mask Making Workshop, Call for pricing

Payments accepted through PayPal, Venmo and Zelle. Invoices are sent following session.

Mask Making Testimonials

  • “While being masked, I felt like a child again, free and unencumbered by my learned identity and all the 'shoulds' I grew up with. Seeing my mask, I truly know that I am here and want to be. What a great face! There is none other like it."

    ~ Sharon Austin, Wisconsin

  • "When the process of masking began, I felt a younger part of myself get quite anxious. Upon sharing this, I immediately experienced the anxiety lessening as she was verbally and energetically included in the session. She absolutely loved being seen and accepted. I was a bit surprised by my reaction when I first looked at the mask. I found myself saying “what a sweet little face”. It was tender and illuminating to see myself in that way. During the entire process of masking, I experienced being treated with tender loving care."

    ~ Michaela Torcaso, Madison, Wisconsin

  • “The experience of Robert ‘masking’ me was a very peaceful and meditative process. The outside world faded away, which created a deep inner sense of calming presence. It was a unique form of self-discovery and personal growth. It allowed me to literally and figuratively experience different internal personas or aspects of myself.”

    Dr. David Berceli, Arizona

  • "The feeling of being tended to, nurtured and focused upon was very nice. I found myself involved with the tactile sensation on my face, noticing the increasing heaviness, the water dripping down my neck and the difference between cool and warm strips as they were applied."

    ~ Anonymous

  • "The second layer just kind of flowed. Afterwards, I felt a kind of calm, stillness, not wanting to talk, just wanting to be. A part of me didn't want to take off the mask. I enjoyed my sadness and stillness and my almost isolation."

    ~ Anonymous

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