Here’s My Story

Here I am enjoying a beautiful Flagstaff summer day among friends and plants.
Photo by Zack Zdinak,
Life Drawing and Education

I have such fond memories of talking with my grandmother, Memere Lamarre about gardening, life and learning from her years of wisdom and the unconditional love she demonstrated.

My nearly 30 years experience in biological research kept me asking questions and leaving the door open to possibilities that could not yet be tested. Over the years, I saw science as an elaborate system of beliefs that, while beneficial to society and our understanding of the laws of nature, was still limited in what scientists accepted and allowed. Fortunately, science, like consciousness is evolving and opening to new ideas that years ago were seen by some as unscientific, magic or fantasy. Think of handing a modern day smart phone to someone in the early 1900s. It likely be viewed as magic, fiction, even dangerous. And so we evolve.

While in graduate school in the late 80s, I learned how to meditation (no easy task for this left brained guy) and began to experience a variety of healing experiences that further opened my mind. Over these 36 years, I have trained in a number of healing and coaching modalities and have learned much about what makes me tick, what enlivens and strengthens me and also what diminishes me. And I choose what enlivens me

I’ve been supported on this journey by friends, family, colleagues and Spirit (Source, Creator, Universe, Higher Self, God). I choose the love that inspires and expands my sense of self and purpose and builds community.

I am excited to share insights about how to navigate the world during these times of big change - to effectively become free of the stresses, pain and traumas of life that we all experience on this planet. The challenges each of us face are as unique and wide ranging as the opportunities that are revealed along the way.

Let me know how I can serve you and provide the support you seek to liberate yourself from your stories, your beliefs and your rules and reconnect you with the vibrant, purposeful, loving truth of you. There are infinite possibilities ready to be revealed in the open, earnest heart.

“Only from the heart
can you touch the sky.”
~ Rumi

Finding the Gold that resides in your heart will continue to reveal itself like the thousand petaled lotus and guide you to elevate your consciousness to the power of Love, the creative force of the universe.

Reach out and start a conversation. Fill out the form below. All you have to gain is the love, joy, peace and deep sense of purpose that is your very essence!

And it’s the little things that really make me smile…

Imprint of two hearts in snow after a vehicle turned around in the driveway.

Apple picking outing with friends

Morning dew laden poppies

Deplaning in the Galapagos

An eastern tree frog hanging out on a plant stake.

The Grand Canyon, near my current home in Flagstaff, AZ

Hiking in Zion National Park

Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey. They don't need to, it's not for them.

~ Joubert Botha

You may have noticed I use “we” and “us” in this site. While there is currently only me, I chose this as a way of affirming that you are an essential part of the work we do together.